Health Department
Mission Statement
The mission of Kahkewistahaw First Nation Health Centre is to enhance the health care services available within the community and create conditions such that all people living in the community have the finest holistic health care available.
The KFN Health Centre treats all clients with professionalism, discretion and respect. It provides nursing services for clients in mental health; infant, child and mother care; homecare; medical transportation; addictions; and health promotions.
We rely on partnerships with Yorkton Tribal Council to deliver our mandate, and also support off-reserve Members in accessing information and resources.
Our community-based health programs are focused on:
- Culture & Language
- Fitness & Healthy Lifestyles
- Nutrition & Cooking Classes
- Youth Programs

Mental Health & Suicide Prevention
Like many First Nations, our Members often struggle with mental health. Generations of systemic inequality have created issues that are difficult to overcome, such as abuse and addictions. The KFN Health Centre can help families and individuals to break these cycles and to create happy, healthy lives.
There is a mental health worker retained two days a week.
Some programs include:
- Men’s Group
- Sharing Circles
- Traditional Teachings
- Cultural Knowledge Exchanges

National Native Alcohol & Drug Awareness Program
We promote alcohol and drugs awareness and prevention through education, and to provide intervention as required. Our full-time addictions counsellor can provide:
- Drug & alcohol assessments
- Treatment & detox referrals
- One-on-one counselling
- Alcoholics Anonymous & Narcotics Anonymous support groups
- Awareness days & guest speakers
Our councillor also leads regular sessions at CKCS School. Participation averages 25-30 students, who engage in different themes every month.

Prenatal Program
All expectant mothers are welcome to participate. We conduct three sessions of 6-week prenatal classes over the course of the year, in which we discuss healthy pregnancies, labour and delivery, and visit a hospital for a tour. Incentives are provided, including food vouchers for fruit, vegetables and milk during pregnancy and for nursing mothers up to six months.

Maternal Child Health (MCH) Program
This team-approach program helps mothers to develop healthy habits and to raise healthy children up to the age of 6. Participants can receive home visits; education and awareness about wellness, nutrition, exercise and emotional health; and supports for additional services.

Immunization Program
Kahkewistahaw caregivers understand the importance of immunizations to keep our Members safe, and the KFN Health Centre is proud of our community’s child immunization threshold. Approximately 95% of our infants and children up to 4 years old are immunized, and 85% of our grade 6 and 8 students.
If you have questions about your child’s immunization status, call us at 306-696-2660.

Child Oral Hygiene Initiative
This free, voluntary program was created to educate about proper dental health, and to prevent cavities and tooth decay. We provide screening, dental check-ups, and fluoride treatments. Participation rates are about 70% of children aged 5-7, and 40% of 0-4 year-olds.
Please call us at 306-696-2660 to enroll your child!

Medical Transportation Program
We provide about 800 trips a year to medical appointments, including dental, physiotherapy, chiropractor, mental health, and traditional healers. If you would like to set up a service, you must provide as much notice as possible, preferably at least 48 hours. We try out best to be accommodating.
This program is based on Health Canada’s policies, which limits the type of assistance we are able to provide. Generally, travel is permitted only to the closest provider available, and with prior approval from a medical professional. Neither ambulance services or travel outside of Saskatchewan is allowed in the program.

Communicable Disease Control & Management
This program ensures Kahkewistahaw First Nation is prepared for a health- or event-related emergency. This includes:
- Logistical training for staff
- Critical incident stress management
- Suicide intervention training & safe talk
- Opioid overdose & naloxone training
- Mock traffic crash exercises
The Health Centre also oversees the community’s annual flu shot program. Receiving the flu shot is free and easy, and is always available during the winter months. It reduces your chance of getting the flu, and also helps to protect our children, elders and chronically ill friends and neighbours.


Diabetes Program

Visiting Professionals
Health Receptionist, is responsible for booking all appointments. Please leave a contact number so we can inform you of your next appointment. To date, the following are professionals that visit our health centre on a weekly or monthly basis;
- Mental Health Therapist – Monday/Tuesday’s: Alannah Boyle
- NNADAP Services – Wednesday’s: Rodney Brass
- Home Care: April Bear & Meagan Delorme
- CHR: Morgan Watson
- YTC Mental Health Therapy: Wednesday’s
Activities at the Health Centre
Immunization – Offered twice a month
A.A. Support meetings – Tuesdays @ 6:00 PM
Health Committee
- Councillor Iris Taypotat-Scribe – Portfolio Holder
- Christine McKay – Committee Elder
- Elisha Bobb – Committee Member
- Melinda Alexson – Committee Member
- Angeline Ironstar – Committee Member
- Jacob Louison – Committee Member
Contact Information
Phone: (306) 696-2660
Fax: (306) 696-3154
Toll Free: 1-866-667-7710

Health Director
Josephine Kaysaywaysemat
306.696.2660 ext.217

Morgan Watson
Community Health Representative
306.696.2660 ext.215

Medical Transportation Clerk
Delores Alexson
306.696.2660 ext.216

Health Receptionist
Macy Bobb

Addictions Worker (NNADAP)
Rodney Brass
306.696.2660 ext. 232

Community Health Nurse
Elyza Wagman
306.696.2660 ext.207

Denise Taypotat
306.696.2660 ext.233

Morgan Isaac
Maternal Child Health/Child Oral Health Initiative
Phone: 306.696.3291

Wynter Taypotat
Community Engagement Worker
Tel: 306.696.3291