Kahkewistahaw has entered a team into the Regina Dragon Boat Races Festival!

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Kahkewistahaw has entered a team into the Regina Dragon Boat Races Festival!


We are looking for at least 15-20 Adult KFN members to join the team! We are also looking for a “Captain” to lead the team.


We will be booking practice runs before the event to ensure the team is ready to go! If you would like to take part in the Regina Dragon Boat Festival and be a member of Team Kahkewistahaw, please let us know ASAP!


Event Dates: August 30 & 31 @ Wascana Park.

Practice Runs: TBD soon! Each team member must attend a minimum of 2 practice sessions to be able to compete on race day.


To sign up: Please call 306-696-3291 or email sports@kahkewistahaw.com


For more info about the Festival check out the link:


Festival Schedule | Regina Dragon Boat Festival

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